Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Site

I have settled into homestay. My father, George, is the community leader of the town Anyanisin. My mother, Ya, prepares me very delicious Ghanaian food. Most of the time I do not know exactly what I am eating. The only thing that is giving me some problems is eating the entire fish, head, tail, guts and scales. My stomach is beginning to settle now. I have 3 brothers living with me Akans, Michael and Felix. They all watch after me and make sure I am comfortable and safe. Since father is a farmer our house is set back a bit from the town so it is nice and quite. There are plantain trees and a fish pond surrounding my lovely home. There is a puppy who I named Mandiba, I am hoping that I will be able to take the little thing with me to site. My family here is really big. I feel like everyone I meet is some how related to me.  Today we all met the chief whom is my grandfather.  My father is in line to become the next chief making me a princess. There is no electricity or running water. My first time bucket bathing a snake decided to visit and a lizard jumped into the room. This is Africa.

The PC cultural trainer Zoe is staying in my homestay. She is extending another year and as it turns out I will be replacing her in her site.  So where am I going???? A extremely remote town called Jeyiri in the Upper West region. It is 40km south east of Wa. I am going to speak Dagaare. It is difficult using one language in the homestay and spending 6 hours learning another; however, I am doing a lot better than I would have imagined. My village is Muslim with very traditional beliefs incorporated.  When a traditional elder dies the funeral is a massive party. Imagine the people with the long wooden masks with lion mane fur and hula shirts dancing around. Yep, that is my village. The Upper West (Upper Best) is the most exotic region in all of Ghana. I will have red monkeys and crocodiles in my village.  Also there is no transportation to my town except on market days (every 6 days).  Otherwise I ride my bike (30-60 minutes) to the neighboring village( Kulkpong) to pick up a tro to Wa.  There is another PCV in that village.  I will also have to fetch my water from the dam or boreholes everyday. I don't believe it is too far. I am excited to become strong from carrying the water on my head. There is no electricity, but the health center next door has a solar panel so I can charge things.

My job is really what I make of it. Since I will be only the second white person they have met, there is really no expectations.  I want to integrate into the community and empower the people there to accomplish the change they seek. Although my focus is on improving health, water and sanitation I really hope to work with the Muslim men and their conservative views on woman. I am very excited to go and start greeting people.  There are at least 5 people in the town of 1000 that speak some English. They will facilitate me getting projects started.

I love and miss you all! I am in the perfect place at this time in my life. I hope all is well with you. Please keep me updated on current events since I am in a bubble here. 


  1. You are an inspiration to many. I admire what you are you doing, parts of me are jealous that you get to experience something so amazing. Sending love from everyone this way, and look forward to your posts oh and the BIG HOMECOMING, but in the meantime, learn lots, love more, and make everything of this once in a lifetime experience. We miss you girl <3

    -Ashley- Christine's cousin

  2. Hello Hannah! My name is Kateri and I am hoping to be getting an invitation to the Peace Corps in the next few months. I was nominated for an english education program in Eastern Europe. I enjoy reading your blog and updates and seeing what exciting new things are going on in your town. It is fascinating! I hope to keep up when I eventually go overseas as well. Best of luck to you!
